Author: Sarah


Children of the caregivers 2019

Venus (7 Years) Abigail (2 Years) Christiana (4 Years) Eden (3 1/2 Years) Elizabeth (5 Years) Ethan (2 Years) Jeremiah (6 Years) Michaela (4 Years) Isabella (7 Years) Peace (15 Years) Arthur (6 Years) Arthur (3 1/2 Years) Brenda (12 Years) Dennis (12 Years) Emily (6 Years) Eunice (15 Years) Melody (1 Year) Mercy (11 Years) Hadassah (4 Years) Jedidiah (1 Year) Levi (5 Years) Mariam (5 Years) Patience (7 Years) Phionah (14 Years) Sumaia (8 Years) Sheila (4 Years) Abigail (6 Years) Katrina (6 Years) Janelle (4 Years) Lorielle (1 Year) Peace N (15 Years) Stacey (15 Years)  


Mirembe Cottage of Street Girls 2019

  Angel (12 Years) Angelina (14 Years) Anna Akori (17 Years) Anna Angole (17 Years) Anna Aya (17 Years) Anna Longoko (15 Years) Annette A. (17 Years) Annette M. (14 Years) Barbara (11 Years) Brenda (13 Years) Catherine (15 Years) Dina (18 Years) Elizabeth L. (14 Years) Elizabeth N. (14 Years) Gift (17 Years) Gloria (12 Years) Irene A. (18 Years) Irene B. (15 Years) Jennifer (10 Years) Mai (15 Years) Miriam (12 Years) Mercy (4 Years) Monday (19 Years) Natasha (5 Years) Rose (15 Years) Sabrina (14 Years) Sarah (20 Years) Sharon (14 Years) Sharuwa (11 Years) Swabra (15 Years) Teresa (17 Years) Valentina (11 Years) Zion (4 Years)


Sonrise Baby Home 2019

  Betty (5 years) Bethany (3 Years) Brian (2 Years) Daniel (3 1/2 Years) Elvin (4 Years) Flavia (1 1/2 Years) Gabi (2 Years) Haggai (2 Years) Helen (2 Years) Helena (2 Years) Israel (2 Years) Jennifer (2 1/2 Years) Joshua (4 Years) Kathryn (2 Years) Kato (4 Years) Kelly (1 Year) Larry (2 Years) Lydia (1 1/2 Years) Maliki (4 Years) Matthew (4 Years) Mark (1 Year) Mary (1 Year) Mercy A. (4 Years) Melvin (3 Years) Miria (1 Years) Moses (4 Years) Musa (2 Years) Najib (3 Years) Prince Arthur (3 1/2 Years) Rahuma (1 Year) Robert (3 1/2 Years) Ruth (1 1/2 Years) Ryan (4 Years) Tracey (3 Years) Tumwebaze (3 Years) Josephine (1 Year) Damali (2 Weeks) Viany (3 1/2 Years) Xervier (2 Years) Michael (1 Year) Jane (6 Weeks) Trevor (3 Years)


Sonrise Children’s Home 2019

  Agnes (7 Years) Amina (5 Years) Andrew (8 Years) Anisha (11 Years) Bethany (10 Years) (Big) Esther (10 Years) (Big) Gift (10 Years) (Big) Peace (7 Years) Bonan (7 Years) Brian (8 Years) Caleb (5 Years) Catherine (14 Years) David (7 Years) Doreen (10 Years) Eddie (11 Years) Eli (6 Years) Eric (12 Years) Gerold (11 Years) Godwin (13 Years) Grace Patience (8 Years) Henry (5 1/2 Years) Ian (13 Years) Isima (10 Years) Israel (3 Years) John Mark (5 Years) Jolie (9 Years) Joseph (12 Years) Julius (5 Years) Junior (12 Years) Kevin (8 Years) Kirabo (9 Years) Laura (5 1/2 Years) (Little) Esther (5 Years) (Little) Gift (7 Years) (Little) Peace (7 Years) Luke (9 Years) Matthew (8 Years) Melissa (6 Years) Mercy (10 Years) Michael (10 Years) Miko (12 Years) Millie (15 Years) Mugisha (11 Years) Musa (9 Years) Nathan (9 Years) Nicholette (6 Years) PatienceWeiterlesen / Continue reading


New arrival at Sonrise Baby Home

In August 2019 another baby moved into the Sonrise Baby Home. Mary is one year old and has been abandoned by her mother in front of her father’s workplace. He took care of her until his boss put him under pressure to be fired if he did not return to work. He turned to Sonrise and asked for help. Mary is cared for at the Baby Home until she is three years old. Afterwards she will live with her family again when she enters school.

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Date for team trip 2019 fixed

Finally the date for our next team trip to Uganda has been set. This year we start much earlier, but with three team leaders we can cover an especially long period. Heidi, Nadja and Sarah will travel to Uganda with the help of almost 20 volunteers, we are happy about the big team this year. On 18 October Heidi arrives with the first part of the team, followed by Nadja at the beginning of November and Sarah in the middle of November. With the end of November our team trip ends. We will be there for a whole six weeks to provide you with news and to use your donations conscientiously.


New Arrival at Sonrise Baby’s Home

Since August 2019 there has been a new addition to the Sonrise Baby’s Home. Flavia moved into the Baby’s Home in mid-August. She is about one and a half years old, severely malnourished and suffers from tuberculosis, which is why she is currently housed separately from the other babies. Now she is being cared for and nursed up so that she can put on weight again. Flavia’s mother is infected with HIV and needs urgent treatment, which is why she cannot take care of Flavia for the time being. We hope that the two can live together again when both are better. At Sonrise Baby’s Home Flavia is in good hands.  


New arrival at Sonrise Baby Home

In August 2019 Miria moved to the Sonrise Baby’s Home. Miria has been staying at the Baby’s Home since the beginning of August. When she was born, Miria’s mother had to undergo a C-section. Unfortunately she did not wake up from the anaesthesia, which left Miria without her mother. The father drinks and it was not safe to leave Miria with him. Also the means in the village were missing to take care of her. It is good to know that the little one is now in caring hands at Sonrise Baby’s Home.