“Damali and the Sonrise Babie’s Home” by Cathy Domoney is now available on Amazon. All proceeds from the book will be donated to the Sonrise Ministries. If you have registered Peace’s Hope for the Amazon Smile Program, you can even donate twice! Join Damali as she journeys through her true-story of sadness, hope, and inspiration. This life-affirming biography helps children to empathize with others and touches on some difficult issues with sensitivity and hope. Journey through this story with your child/children and open their minds to the world and experiences outside of their front door and expand their minds to the concept of a global community of love. Here you come directly to Amazon!
Tag: donation
Update about Michael – donation target complete
We are happy to announce that we have reached the donation target of 2800€ for Michael. He can now be fully supported until he is strong enough to move back to his family. We would like to thank you very much, as always we could count on you. THANK YOU!