Tag: Peace’s Hope e.V.


2 Years Peace’s Hope

Today we celebrate our second anniversary! On 19 July 2017 Peace’s Hope was founded as an official association. Since then we could realize many projects thanks to your help. We would like to thank you very much for that! We are looking forward to the coming years, in which we want to grow and implement new great projects in Uganda. 


Organization of the teamtrip 2019

We are planning our next teamtrip to Uganda in mid-October to the end of November 2019. Are you interested in our work and want to participate as a volunteer? Then join our information meeting on Tuesday, June 25 in Düsseldorf. Please sign in for the meeting by mailing a short message to info@peaceshope.com. We are looking forward to meeting you!


Update about Michael

Today we received the news that Michael’s stay at the Babies Home has to be extended until the end of the year. Due to the severe malnutrition he suffered during his first year of life, his immune system is very unstable. The living conditions in Masese are therefore still too dangerous. In agreement with the parents, who are trying very hard to maintain a stable relationship with their son, Michael will remain at the Sonrise Babies Home until the end of the year. There they will work intensively on building up a stable immune system with the help of special food and vitamins. This will double our project goal to a total of 2,800 euros. If you would like to help us support the project, please click on the following link:   Donate


New Secretary

At our last General Assembly on 08 May 2019, Guadalupe was elected Secretary of Peace’s Hope. She is a founding member and supports the association from the beginning with full force! Silvana, who had held the office until then, unfortunately had to resign for private reasons. Thank you Silvana for supporting us so actively as secretary since the foundation of the association!

James RIP

Mzee James

During our last team trip we met James, whom the children from Sonrise Children’s Home lovingly called Mzee James (Grandpa James). We reported about him in our diary when we visited him with the children on Christmas Eve. James was so ill that he lost the fight against death today. We mourn very much for this kind person whom we would have liked to visit again on our next team trip. We are grateful that we could at least prepare his last Christmas as a special one with some presents. Rest in peace Mzee James. We will miss you.


One year Peace’s Hope e.V.

  One year Peace’s Hope e.V. The last 365 days have flown by. Exciting days are behind us and now we can celebrate our first anniversary. Much has happened, much has been achieved and our most important vision – 100 % of donations arrive locally – has been fulfilled. But we don’t want to miss to thank you, too. What would we be without our members, supporters, donors, family and friends. Only thanks to you we could realize so many things. The next year also promises to be exciting. The growing number of Sonrise fosterlings again presents us with great challenges. We really hope that you will continue to support us and help us to improve the lives of these children in Uganda sustainably.


Peace´s Hope in Amsterdam

  On October 31st, a townhall took place in Henkel Amsterdam with the objective of presenting the newly created organization, Peace’s Hope, and the Sonrise orphanage to the Henkel colleagues. Gabriele Haak, Warren Weidorn, Sameh Fares and his wife Hadeel Khallouf, four of the currently 21 members of Peace’s Hope, traveled from Duesseldorf to Amsterdam for the townhall. Gabi, Julia and Silvia shared, in a session full of emotions and participation, their MIT experience in Uganda in December 2016 and the journey from Gabi’s first trip to Jinja in 2014 until the creation of Peace’s Hope. Currently running projects were also presented, such as the construction works for the new Children’s Home and Mirembe Cottage. Finally, three ways in which Henkel colleagues can get involved were also discussed, that is 1) Financially, 2) Volunteering from Home and 3) Volunteering in Uganda. With the help of Henkel colleague Gaula Hababa, we wereWeiterlesen / Continue reading



05 November 2023 Diary Teamtrip 2023 02 November 2023 Packing suitcases for the 2023 teamtrip 10 October 2023 Christmas Project 2023 14 June 2023 Information Event Teamtrip 2023 03 June 2023 Düsseldorf Volunteer Fair 2023 28 March 2023 Members’ Meeting 2023 01 October 2022 Teamtrip 2022 01 September 2022 Christmas Project 2022 08 February 2022 Project School Sponsorship 15 September 2021 Construction of the Nursery School 12 August 2021 New addition to the Mirembe Cottage 07 December 2020 Financing of all houses of the new Baby Home completed 04 November 2020 Support of the sponsoships 12 October 2020 Christmas Project 2020 27 September 2020 Water Well Baby Home 11 September 2020 100,000€ donation mark 06 September 2020 Facebook Donation Button 05 September 2020 Canceled Teamtrip 2020 21 July 2020 Baby Home under construction 10 July 2020 In search of sponsors 01 July 2020 New addition to Mirembe Cottage 27 JuneWeiterlesen / Continue reading