From now on we also offer school sponsorships for the babies of the Sonrise Baby Home in Wabirongo or a community child of the Sonrise Children’s Home in Kamuli or the Mirembe Cottage in Wakikoola. With this sponsorship you enable the babies and the community children to receive a school education, which is a good basis for their future life. In addition, the children receive two warm meals a day.
Since the Baby Home unfortunately does not have its own school, the monthly costs are somewhat higher at 45 Euros. The community children in Kamuli and Wakikoola can attend the schools of Sonrise Ministries, so the costs here are 15 Euros per month. It would be wonderful if you could also sponsor a school uniform including socks and shoes for the children to start school. It always makes them so proud. The one-time costs for this are 30 Euros for the babies and 20 Euros for the community children. However, this is absolutely voluntary and not a prerequisite for a school sponsorship.
If you would like to know more about this project or would like to have a list of the babies as well as the community children without sponsors, please contact our lovely Nadja directly.
If you are interested in a general regular support of a baby or a community child, please fill out the following form and send it to us:
In addition to this, the GDPR has been extended specifically to cover this topic:
As an association we have already been able to invest the following sums locally:
For the babies of the Sonrise Baby Home: 0 Euro
For the community children of the Sonrise Children’s Home: 775 Euro
For the community children of the Mirembe Cottage: 0 Euro